(born at 13th of May 2004)


Eko Royal Bell

HD-Frei, SchH-I, ZTP V!A

IDC jugendsieger
A.I.A.D. jugendsieger
Europa jugendsieger
CRO Young club Winner
Young Champion of Croatia


Ida Dzina de Gagnant


International Champion
Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Champion of Yugoslavia
Champion of Croatia
Young Champion of BiH


Pedigree of "O" litter

Eko Royal Bell

Nitro del Rio Bianco

Nilo del Rio Bianco
Nero del Diamante Nero
Athena del Rio Bianco
Farah del Rio Bianco
Graf Quirinus v.Neerlands Stamm
Sophie del Rio Bianco
Zara Royal Bell
Irinus de Feringis
Graf Quirinus v.Neerlands Stamm
Alina von't Grone-Land
Jamaha Royal Bell
Ninjo v. Norden Stamm
Esmir Royal Bell
Rambo Royal Bell
Lord Lobo v.h. Wantij
Lana Royal Bell
Pandora Royal Bell
Graf Guido v.Franckenhorst
Jamaha Royal Bell
Joly Sawages
Ghosty Sawages
Gamon di Campolavano
Heidi Royal Bell
Viper Laki Sawages
Graf Guido v.Franckenhorst
Heidi Royal Bell

(inbreeding Esmir Royall-Bell - Heidi Royal-Bell 4-4,4
Jamaha Royal-Bell 3-4)